We’re often asked by consumers how often they should be changing their fridge water filters. Generally most filtration experts and manufacturers alike recommend that the filter should be changed every six months to keep them safe and working at peak performance. 

How Long Do Fridge Water Filters Last?

This six month figure is calculated on a standard application, and can vary according to a number of different factors. These factors include areas that are experiencing high sediment which can prematurely block a water filter.

Equally, refrigerator water filters that are used to provide more than ten litres of water per day will exceed the 1800 litre capacity, which is the six months period of normal usage, this means you’ll have to change the filter earlier than the six month expected date.

What Happens If You Don't Change Your Fridge Water Filter?

Extending your fridge filter’s life capacity can allow for dirt, particular matter, and scale to build up on the inside of the fridge’s componentry, it can also lead to some really unpleasant tastes and odours that you might experience. Making sure that you‘re changing the filter on time is really important, even if sometimes the time frame isn’t always going to be the perfect six months.

Should Fridge Water Filters Be Replaced? 

There are some key ways that you can tell whether your fridge filter needs changing, and I’ll run through them now with you. Not changing your water filter regularly can cause build-up and scaling in your refrigerator which can lead to pricey repairs, not to mention failing to filter out contaminants in your drinking water, so be sure to keep track of when your fridge filter was last replaced and ensure it's changed every 6 months. 

Off-colour or murkiness within the water glass 

Any change in water colour means that your water may have been contaminated and your fridge filter is no longer working as it should. Change your fridge filter immediately in order to retain access to clear drinking water free of contaminants. 

Low volume or slow running water

An old fridge water filter may cause build-up in your refrigerator, leading to a slowing down in your water dispensing system. This is a sure sign that your fridge filter needs to be changed immediately in order to avoid damage to your fridge. 

Unpleasant metallic or chemical-like taste 

This symptom is an indication that your fridge water filter is now incapable of removing chemicals and contaminants from your drinking water and that your water may not be safe for drinking. Your water will taste bad.

Stagnant-like smell

Why does your refrigerator water taste musty? A rotten whiff could indicate that your refrigerator is dirty or moldy or that bacteria could be buit up in an old water filter. If your fridge is clean but you're still experiencing a musty scent, it could be time to change your water filter.

If you’re experiencing any of these four mentioned symptoms within your refrigerator at the moment, it may be time for you to change your water filter. Take a look at our full range of refrigerator water filters here at Discount Fridge Filters, we'd love to help you pick the right replacement water filter for your fridge model. Please give us a call today to discuss.